Thursday, August 21, 2008

Huck Finn Day!!

For many, many years the city of Lindon has a week set aside for the "Lindon City Days". They have lots of different activities going on such as a band playing in the park, a parade, and Huck Finn Day. For the last two summers Dallon and Zeeli has enjoyed an evening in the park fishing. The city fills up the little creek by our home with about 200 fish and the children spend an hour or so fishing with their poles.

After that hour or so of fishing with the poles, the orange fence comes down and you then can fish with nets. The children go wild (just like the fish I bet) getting in the water with their nets trying to catch fish

As you can see Dallon and Zeeli caught a fish. Zeeli was very, very excited.

And now the excitement from Emma Jo. She wanted to touch the fish but was still somewhat hesitant.

It was a lot of fun. That evening they caught 3 fish but only took two home. What happened to the third fish, you might ask, Dallon slyly put it into the bishops son's net because he was sad that he wasn't catching any. What a great guy.

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